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Fractionated Coconut Oil vs. Virgin Coconut Carrier Oil: Choosing Wisely

by:Puraeo      2023-09-29

Choosing the Right Coconut Oil for Your Needs

Coconut oil has become increasingly popular in recent years due to its numerous health benefits and versatile uses. When it comes to choosing the right coconut oil, two common options are Fractionated Coconut Oil and Virgin Coconut Carrier Oil. While both are derived from coconuts, they have distinct differences in composition, processing methods, and applications. This article will delve into the characteristics of each type of oil, their benefits, drawbacks, and how to make an informed decision based on your specific needs.

Understanding Fractionated Coconut Oil

Fractionated Coconut Oil, also known as MCT (Medium-Chain Triglyceride) Oil, is a refined form of coconut oil. The refining process involves separating the Medium-Chain Fatty Acids (MCFA) from the Long-Chain Fatty Acids (LCFA). Fractionation makes the oil remain liquid at room temperature, unlike the solid state of unrefined coconut oil.

1. The Production Process and Composition

The production process of Fractionated Coconut Oil begins with extracting oil from mature coconuts. Afterward, the oil undergoes a process called hydrolysis, which breaks down the fatty acids. From there, the oil is exposed to steam distillation to remove impurities, resulting in a clear, odorless, and lightweight liquid.

2. Benefits of Fractionated Coconut Oil

One of the main advantages of Fractionated Coconut Oil is its stability. It has a long shelf life and does not turn rancid quickly compared to other oils. Its lightweight nature allows it to be easily absorbed into the skin without leaving a greasy residue. This characteristic makes it an excellent choice for massages, as it provides a smooth glide.

3. Applications of Fractionated Coconut Oil

Due to its odorless and colorless nature, Fractionated Coconut Oil is often used as a carrier oil for essential oils. It helps dilute essential oils and facilitates their absorption into the skin. This oil is also a popular choice for skincare products, as it moisturizes without clogging pores or causing acne breakouts. Additionally, it can be used as a lubricant for shaving and even as a natural makeup remover.

Understanding Virgin Coconut Carrier Oil

Virgin Coconut Carrier Oil is a less processed version of coconut oil. It is derived directly from fresh coconut meat (copra) through a cold-pressed method, which retains the natural aroma and nutrients found in coconuts.

1. The Production Process and Composition

Virgin Coconut Carrier Oil is obtained by pressing the coconut meat at low temperatures, typically below 120 degrees Fahrenheit. This gentle process helps maintain the oil's natural nutrients and characteristics, resulting in a rich, creamy texture with a light coconut scent.

2. Benefits of Virgin Coconut Carrier Oil

Virgin Coconut Carrier Oil contains a higher concentration of natural antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals compared to its fractionated counterpart. It retains the natural fatty acids, such as lauric acid, which has antimicrobial and antibacterial properties. These beneficial components make Virgin Coconut Carrier Oil an excellent choice for nourishing and moisturizing the skin and hair.

3. Applications of Virgin Coconut Carrier Oil

Virgin Coconut Carrier Oil is often used in skincare routines, where its moisturizing properties help soften and hydrate dry skin. It can also serve as a natural conditioner for hair, repairing damaged strands and promoting healthy growth. Some people even consume Virgin Coconut Carrier Oil for its potential health benefits, such as supporting the immune system and improving digestion.

Choosing the Right Coconut Oil for You

With the knowledge of the differences between Fractionated Coconut Oil and Virgin Coconut Carrier Oil, it's essential to match your needs with the right oil. Consider the following factors when making your decision:

1. Intended Use: If you primarily want to use coconut oil as a carrier for essential oils or prefer an oil with no scent, Fractionated Coconut Oil is the ideal choice. However, if you value the natural aroma, higher nutrient content, and plan to use it for skin and hair care purposes, Virgin Coconut Carrier Oil would be more suitable.

2. Allergies and Sensitivities: While allergic reactions are rare, it's always crucial to check if you have any sensitivities to coconut or its derivatives. Some individuals may have allergies to specific proteins present in coconut oil. Perform a patch test before using any coconut oil to ensure you don't experience any adverse reactions.

3. Climate and Temperature: Fractionated Coconut Oil remains liquid at cooler temperatures, making it preferable for areas with colder climates. On the other hand, Virgin Coconut Carrier Oil solidifies in colder environments and may need to be gently warmed before usage.

4. Personal Preference: Ultimately, your preference plays a significant role in choosing the right coconut oil. Experimenting with both types can help determine which feels better on your skin, caters to your specific needs, and aligns with your personal values.


Whether you opt for Fractionated Coconut Oil or Virgin Coconut Carrier Oil, both have their own unique characteristics and benefits. Fractionated Coconut Oil offers stability, easy absorption, and versatility, making it suitable for various applications. On the other hand, Virgin Coconut Carrier Oil retains more of the coconut's natural properties and provides added nourishment for the skin and hair. By understanding the differences and assessing your needs, you can confidently choose the right coconut oil that suits you best.

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