You've got a good idea on carrier oils and also have completed its research and understands it could promote this type of product, but don't actually know how to style it or don't have the production ability to make it. You may turn into ODMs. Shenzhen Puraeo Biotech Co., Ltd. is such a producer. Typically, ODMs also fabricate the merchandise they look and their customers get the goods branded in their own names and supply them onto the market. In the instance of an ODM, you might have little to no control on product specifications and thus you have to set sufficient parameters and frameworks in which the ODM should get the job done.
Puraeo is good at producing high quality custom essential oils with reasonable price. The single essential oils series is one of the main products of Puraeo. Puraeo essential oils for singles is required to go through several performance tests. They are water washability, breathability, impact resistance, tearing strength, and rub colorfastness testing. This product has the required strength. It has been tested according to standards such as MIL-STD-810F to evaluate its construction, materials, and mounting for ruggedness.
We will do our best to meet the needs of our customers on carrier oils supplier. Inquire online!